iN An iNStaNt (ThiNgs CaN ChaNge)

How do we Get around dismay and the challenging disadvantages that often hinder us and rattle the neurons going to our Brain? Where do we get the strength to fight the battles that surround us? So many different opinions fill this box with the slit in it with millions of little pieces of folded paper with millions of answers. Who’s right, who’s wrong, who’s even close to giving us a sense of ease to these issues that bare down on us everyday! what do we believe! what is H.O.P.E what is F.A.I.T.H What do you the individual think makes sense to you and why? What I will say is “iN That iNstant” when things might change for you “HOLD” firm to HOPE “HOLD” firm to FAITH.. You see having Hope and having Faith in what you cannot see or touch is the “STRENGTH” it is your advantage, for if you can believe in that and “STAND” on that, then what can be against you, what can nullify your new found purpose! Ya see “iN An iNStaNt” (Things can always Change) LoVe iS Love and HaTe iS HaTe >> CHOOSE LOVE”