WHeN U LooK iN tHe MiRRoR WhAt Do U 🫣

EVeRyDaY WoN’t Be PeaCheS n CReaM, BuT iF U HaVe a MuStaRd SeeD oF FaiTH you CaN OVeRCoMe AnyThiNg. How MuCh do We ReaLLy TaKe iN wheN we Look iN the Mirror aT OuRSeLveS, is it Just to Put oN Make uP, BruSh OuR Teeth, SHaVe, WaSh OuR FaCe, Make SuRe We Look PeRFeCt WheN we HiT tHE FrOnt Door For tHe WoRLd to See How GRaNd We Look. How do U as an iNDiViDuaL CaLCuLate or MeaSuRe your iNTeRNaL GooD LooKs and BaD LooKs! How MuCh Do We FaLsiFy TRutHs and UnTrutHs to BeneFit OuR oWn GLoRY. Why MuSt We Lie tO OuRSeLVeS When We LooK iN The MiRRor, whaT UGLyNeSs HaS Us iN SHaMe that SomETiMes We Can’t Even Look iN The MiRRoR. Why DoeS tHe MiRRoR TeNd to MagniFy OuR PaiN, dRoPPiNg uS to The Ground is SadNeSs and DeSpaiR. ProDucing Suicidal ThouGhts, DePReSSiOn, AnXieTy, and a Feeling oF Loathing OurseLves. Who to CaLL, Who To Talk to! Desperate FoR HeLp But can’t Muster uP the StrenGth to SeeK it Out. BuT tHen, You See a FLaSh oF LiGht GLiMMeRiNg oFF tHe MiRRoR and you CraCk a SMiLe, Just For a SeCoNd and iN That InStaNt thinGs Feel BetteR LiKe iT’s a New BeGiNNiNg an EpiphaNy oF SoRts, A MuStaRd SeeD oF HoPe SomeThing to TaKe ReFuGe in, iS ThiS tHe MoMeNt You’Ve been WaiTing FoR? iS ThiS tHe JoLt of ELeCTriCity that Zaps you iNto a MuStaRd Seed oF FaiTh, ALL the Faith that is Needed to CroSs You Over From one Side oF the DeStruCtioN to a RiSe Out oF tHe FuNK aNd DePreSSioN. The RaiNBoW aFter The StoRm, tHe PuRPoSe oF a FaiLuRe tHat GiVes MeaNiNG tO LiFeLeSsNeSs. The VaLue You KnoW YouR LiFe iS WoRth, The ChaNge, The I CaN WiN iF I FoCuS MoRe, The FaiTh, The I BeLieVe iN ME.