BeHiND and iN FronT oF tHe CuRtain

BeHiNd tHe CuRtaiN we wish, we pray, we plot, we plan, we script, we dream, we imagine, we hope, we love, we encourage, we smile, we reminisce, we carry the weight, we try, we worry, we envy, we deceive, we falsify, we forget, we chew gum and walk at the same time, we isolate! and WHEN THE CURTAIN FALLS, we run, we hide, we lie, we cheat, we deny, we corrode, we fail, we steal, we rob, we curse, we mutilate, we turn our backs, we lose, we infiltrate, we burn, we break, we kill, we fracture, we retreat, we don’t support, we’re stuck, we feel hopeless, we’re drained.! WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO LIVE A LIFE WITH GOOD DEEDS? What does it take to be apart of something noble? What does it take for the millionaires of the world to do more righteous things, instead of just relishing in their bank vaults and fancy expensive materials? WHAT DOES IT TAKE for EDUCATORS to Educate? How does this world correct its wrongs. HOW CAN YOU THE INDIVIDUAL MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Don’t wait on the person next to you or in front of you or in back of you.! MAKE YOUR RIGHTEOUS DIFFERENCE, MAKE GOOD ON YOUR WORD THE RIGHT WAY (FOLLOW THROUGH), CREATE A SOLUTION WITH LOVE TO THE ERA OF YOUR WAYS, FIND SOLACE KNOWING YOU’VE DONE YOUR BEST AND HOPEFULLY HELPED ONE!! PERSON.! Be that HuMaN BeiNg THAT CARES ENOUGH  to be apart of the SOLUTION NOT THE PROBLEMS.