iS tHe EaSy RoaD EaSy? iS thE HarD RoaD ALwayS HarD?

LeaRNiNg FRoM YouR #MiStaKeS iS BetteR tHaN NoT #LeaRniNg and FaiLiNg tO MaTuRe yoUR #MiND

What do we consider a generational curse? and does everyone believe in that in their own Faith or beliefs? I’ll tell you this I have been encouraged, discouraged, embraced, disgraced, loved, hated, paid attention to, not paid attention to, was a shoulder to lean on, needed a shoulder to lean on, a liar, a thief, a sex addict, a alcohol and drug addict, a rude boy, a menace, a challenge. But I was also truthful, found something and returned to the owner, celibate, sober and clean, kind, compliant, and a gem to work with. But who’s to tell me or say that ohhhh your cursed, or your uncle so and so was just like that or your the bad apple because my road was different than yours. Does the hard road always turn out beneficial to the person walking it, does that person always “Learn” from mistakes NO. But what about the person that glides down the “Easy Road “what do they actually learn? and there’s the question what lessons get learned either way on either road? Can the “Easy Glide” person tell the “Hard Road” person to one day be quiet and stop crying it’s NOT that hard and can the “Hard Road” person tell the “Easy Glide” person shut the F*&% uP you don’t know shit about struggle? What’s easy is not always easy and what’s hard is not always hard. Yes living in “TWO” America’s is as banana’s But LIVE we MUSt>> until our return to the earth. Ponder and sort out who you are and make it a point to LEARN FroM YouR MiStaKes whether Easy ones or Hard ones. Learning is Better than Throwing uP your Hands to just Give uP!