The Famous #LiVe, #LuV, #LauGh quote!

Make A Conscious Decision while #ALiVe to #RoManCe and #RoaR

As I’ve lived to this point in my life, I’ve come to know and engage numerous lessons in living, loving, and laughing, that pureness of what should be basic daily emotions we soo soo often either lose site of or choose to redirect our energies elsewhere. What makes our hearts cold and callous? What makes living seem like doom and dangerous? Why is love a curse? and When did laughter become offensive? To LiVe , To LuV, To Laugh should not ever be placed in a political arena because we all have a POWER inside of us and that POWER is “CHOICE” so in a high tide or low tide, in poverty or a silk stocking, in calm or mayhem choose to #LiVe #LuV #LauGh. AMeN