StiCkS and StoNeS

ALways Be ReMiNdeD oF SoMeOne Else’s PaiN THaN YoUr OwN!

What lies behind the purpose when a man or woman can so carelessly beat with a stick or stone with a stone the greatness of a child’s dreams to fulfill their own missed opportunities in life? It pains me to see the stress and sadness in a child’s face when the pressure and blinded mental or physical abuse begins to crush their spirits. I call it the Sticks and Stones syndrome and why many of us parents consciously or subconsciously put our children, grandchildren and siblings through that grinder. What gives us the right to place quiet blame for our failures and miss fortunes onto the next generation from our bloodline or someone else’s for that matter? We hide in our own shadows because we are to embarrassed to except our own failures which is only life living.