supreme kiing

Tornados don’t always touch down in the Midwest but can be spawned and born right here in Newark New Jersey. SuPReMe KiiNg aka Jaykil Rodwell is the offspring of MMF ( MoNeY MADe FouNDaTioN ) one of the East Coast’s top OG hip-hop families in the 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s. Carving out his own space for over a decade SuPReMe KiiNG has spearheaded a battalion of street socialites that grind w/grit, glamour and bravado establishing MoNeY FreSh Entertainment. This organic multi-talented entrepreneur is a vision seeker, a massive local party promoter, with a lethal urban songwriting and lyrical arranging skill set, he is also a short film writer, actor, producer, engineer, and model. He speaks of knowing that God gives us a time and place for everything and his harvest is upon him, his huge following is a testament to just that. SuPReMe KiiNg is a top 100 Billboard Artist.

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they can’t know

THEY CAN”T KNOW— Carries you into the psyche of a man and woman’s searching, but for what? That ever so elusive passionate love, that so many desired since they were teenagers. Do I trust you, do I trust myself? What will happen if I’m found out. 

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