BuiLDiNg YouR OwN SeLF uP!!

I AM SoMeONe 🎥👏🏽👏🏽

Building Your Own self up!  We Cringe We Crack We Crawl from the steam and pressure that living a life in this world can put on you.  I don’t have a silver spoon 🥄 I don’t have a trust fund and I wasn’t in a Will that left me rich. So I have been stepped on,  stepped over,  looked passed, looked down upon, put on snooze, put on muted ,  pulled left , pulled right, I’ve been told I’m the worst and I’ll never amount to much.! I’ve allowed myself to be conformed into doubting everything about me! and instead of having a life of being built up Ive just crumbled and laid in ruins.  For years and years half smiles and a mask of mystery.  Then one day I latched onto the notion that “I AM SOMEONE” that is talented, amazing , filled with love ❤️,  Kindness, humility, purpose, a miracle in the making,  driven amongst many a characters that GOD wrote my life out to be! I had to lift myself up and STAND IN FAITH! and not just FAITH but BELIEVING in that FAITH! This is how I began the journey of Building my own self up. You see it’s easy to write this and think this and say ohh yeah I can do that!!! BUT Living it and installing the commitment gene 🧬 into action along the journey is what brings that smile of gratitude 🙏🏽 that God don’t create NO junk only we convince and tell ourselves otherwise! We are the only ones that can REALLLLLLLY break ourselves down to a mud filled road unable to navigate anywhere but walking in place. BuT GOD! can “One Day at a Time” turn that permanent cloud over you into sun showers, that hamster wheel into fields of obstacles overcome, the “I” cant’s to “I” cans, the follower to the leader,  the impossible to possible,  building your own self up takes time work and is challenging. But worth every goal you achieve Building your Own Self uP! We all have to start somewhere, start building yourself up right now trust me it’s something NO ONE can take Away from You.